Monday, July 11, 2011

Silleteros Parade with my friends

Also, I am going to go with Alex and Yanneth at silleteros parade. this event is a important part of the our culture, the people like a lot this event, we are going to dance and we are going to meet new people...
Sorelly Muñoz


  1. these photos are really good of course we are going to silleteros parade and then we are going to go the party in the evening. teacher join us yaneth Agudelo

  2. ummmmm . it's beautiful,beautifulll. sorelly remeber that we are going to flowers fair , ok , congratulation for yuor homework

  3. This is something that represent to all paisas. it's very nice. Diego Blanco


If an infant or child dies no funeral rites are needed because you can not show respect for someone younger. Then the child is buried in silence.